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Accessbility Policy

Page last updated: December 31, 2020

Site Map

In our ongoing quest for excellence, and  to realize the highest quality standards of institutional performance, and considering our belief in the importance of promoting electronic presence through simple and innovative channels of communication with all community sectors, we consider involving the public in the process of developing and improving our services as a matter of concern for our leadership.

The Ministry of Interior is keen to facilitate access to information and services on this website. The website contains a number of features which can help users, especially those with special needs, to seamlessly and quickly access information or services. 

Site Map

The Ministry of Interior follows the standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to maintain the structure, navigation, look and feel of the website. This makes browsing and accessing information and services easier.

Text to Speech

This website provides the “Text to Speech” feature for the visually impaired. You can activate this feature by clicking on the link ‘Listen to this Page’ at the top of the page.

Zoom Screen

If you are having difficulty reading a text or viewing images, you can select ‘Zoom’ to zoom in and enlarge the screen. You can change the screen size by selecting the menu ‘View’, then select “Zoom” and set the page size according to your need.

Alternate Text for Images

Each image on the website of the Ministry of Interior is tagged with a written description. Position the mouse over the image to read the description. 

Change Text Size

If you experience difficulty reading the text on the computer screen, you can enlarge or reduce the text-size by clicking on the A/A/A icons at the top of the webpage. Alternatively, you can also adjust the font size setting of your browser by using the following steps:
  • Internet Explorer: Click on the (View) menu. Then select the size you require.
  • Firefox: Click on the (View) menu. Then, select Increase or Decrease to change the text size. Alternatively, you can press the (Ctrl) and (+) keys to increase the text size, or (Ctrl) and (-) keys to decrease the text size. Pressing the (Ctrl) and (0) keys resets the default size.
  • Chrome: Click on the main menu. Then, click on (Zoom) and adjust the text-size. Alternatively, you can press the (Ctrl) and (+) keys to increase the text size, or the (Ctrl) and (-) keys to decrease the text size. Pressing the (Ctrl) and (0) keys resets to the default size.
  • Opera: Change the size of both text and graphics using the (+) and (-) keys on the numeric keypad. Each press will increase or decrease the size by 10% .
  • Safari: Click on the (View) menu. Then click on (Make Text Bigger) or (Make Text Smaller) to change the font size. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts: Increase or decrease the text size with (Apple) and (+) keys to increase, and (Apple) and (-) keys to decrease the text size.

Change Colors

If you find it difficult to read a text with certain background color combinations, such as white text on a black background, you can easily change colors in your web browser using the following steps:
  • Internet Explorer: Click on the (Tools) menu or press the (Alt) + (T) keys. Then click on (Internet Options) or press (O). Then, click on (Accessibility) or press (Alt) + (E). When the Accessibility options are displayed, check the box next to (Ignore colors specified on web page) using the mouse or by pressing (Alt) + (C). Save your changes by clicking on the (OK) button or by pressing (Enter). You will be taken back to the (Internet Options) window. The website will now be using the same color scheme as your computer.
  • Firefox: If you are using Firefox, you can change the background colors as follows: Click on the (Tools) menu or press the (Alt) + (T) keys. Then click on (Options) or press (O) to display the (Options) window. Click on the (Fonts and Colors), or you can press (F) to display the (Fonts and Colors) window. Then to set Firefox to use your windows color scheme, click on the (Use system colors) checkbox or (Tab) to the checkbox and press the (Spacebar) to select it.
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Video Motion Indicator
Video Motion Indicator
Disclaimer: This is a motion detector feature; it will record your face emotions.
Note: Recordings won’t be saved or shared

Kindly make sure that web camera is connected and allowed to use on this website.