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Page last updated: July 25, 2024


Law Download
1  FederaL Law No. (34) for the year 1992 for organizing the punitive institutions      
2  FederaL Law No. (21) of 1995 on traffic      
3  FederaL Law No. (9) of 2004 on volunteering in civil defence      
 4  FederaL Law No. (23) of 2006 concerning the civil defense      
 5  FederaL Law No. (37) of 2006 concerning private security companies      
 6  FederaL Law No. (8) of 2014 on concerning sports facilities and events security      
 7  FederaL Law No. (14) of 2020 on the protection of witnesses and the like      
 8  FederaL Law No. (10) of 2021 regulating the cemeteries and burial procedures      
 9  -      
 10  FederaL Law No. (5) of 2022 concerning restitution      
 11  FederaL Law No. (6) of 2022 concerning juvenile delinquent and juvenile at risk of delinquency      
 12  FederaL decree-Law No. (39) of 2023 concerning the regulation of the federal DNA fingerprinting database      

Cabinet Resolution

Law Download
1  Cabinet resolution no. (31) of 2015 concerning the executive regulation of FederaL Law No. (8) of 2014 on concerning sports facilities and events security      
2  Cabinet resolution no. (30) of 2017 regulating traffic and traffic safety services      
3  -      
 4 -      
 5  Cabinet resolution no. (90) of 2020 concerning the requirements and controls for lnstalling fire detectors in residential homes      
 6 -      
 7  Cabinet resolution no. (113) of 2021 concerning the executive regulation of FederaL Law No. (10) of 2021 regulating the cemeteries and burial procedures      
 8 Cabinet resolution no. (47) of 2023 concerning the executive regulation of FederaL Law No. (14) of 2020 on the protection of witnesses and the like      
 9  Cabinet resolution no. (133) of 2022 concerning the executive regulation of FederaL Law No. (6) of 2022 concerning juvenile delinquent and juvenile at risk of delinquency      
 10 Cabinet resolution no. (43) of 2024 concerning the treatment of non-resident foreigners arrested at UAE ports with narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in their possession      

Ministerial Resolution

Law Download
1 -      
2  Ministerial Resolution No. (130) of 1997 lssuing the Exective Regulation of federal Law No. (21) of 1995 Concerning traffic      
3  -      

Number of hits : 50

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