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Emergency Contact

Page last updated: January 05, 2021

Emergency phone numbers

In case of an emergency, you can call the following numbers while anywhere in the UAE:
  • 999 for Police
  • 998 for Ambulance
  • 997 for Civil Defence

Road accidents

Call the police on 999 (from anywhere in the UAE). Inform them about the accident, mention your location and wait for their instructions. Remember, no traffic incident in the UAE can go unreported.

If it is a minor accident and no one is hurt, you can move your car to the shoulder lane to avoid blocking traffic. You should wait for the police at a minimum distance of 15 metres away from your car.

If you or anybody involved in the accident sustains injuries, it is best to leave all vehicles exactly where they are, and wait for an ambulance to arrive.


  • Call civil defence on 997 (from anywhere in the UAE).
  • Evacuate the premise immediately. All public buildings are marked with fire exits.
  • Walk towards the exit calmly without rushing.
  • Do not stay behind to collect belongings.
  • If possible, close the doors as you leave to avoid the fire from spreading further.
  • Do not use lifts in case of a fire.
  • If you can, try putting off the fire with the help of extinguishers without risking your life.
  • Do not return to the building until declared safe by the police or civil defence.
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