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Tuesday, 08 December 2020

Page last updated: December 08, 2020
Lt. General HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior inaugurated today morning (Monday) at Etihad Towers in Abu Dhabi the 2nd Government Shared Services Conference organized by the Ministry of Interior.

His Highness attended side of the conference’s sessions, notably the session moderated by Mr. Chua Soon Guan, CEO of VITAL, the shared services arm of the Singapore Government. Guan tackled the company’s development stages and the shared services it provides to public officers, as well as the various factors that contributed to the company’s success.

A number of government officials from the Republic of Singapore and the United States of America took part in the conference’s workshops and panel discussions to share their own experiences. They also showcased operational models of the best practices adopted at their institutions in a bid to share their expertise with representatives of ministries, government and private sector’s institutions in the United Arab Emirates.

The conference is regarded as a platform to exchange global experiences and expertise pertaining to government services; outsourcing and government practices in the field of shared services. Participants shared their views on a wide set of topics and discussed papers related to the best methods used and services designed to achieve customers’ happiness, as well as the concept of shared services in the public and private sectors. 

Panel Discussions and Workshops

George Mergiounder, international expert from A.T. Kearney, the top global management consulting firm in the field of government services, presented a paper about global trends and modern models in the region. He also tackled the key success factors in the field of shared government services and his role in helping institutions navigate the shared services experience. 

In the first session, Dr. Costis Toregas, Director of the Cyber Security and Privacy Research Institute (CSPRI) at the George Washington University, USA examined operational models and best practices pertaining to shared services in different sectors, including requirements to implement each operational model and the associated challenges.

The second session was moderated by Yuen Sai Kuan, Director of Service, Innovation Compliance at Vital Shared Services, Singapore Government. Kuan tackled ways to enhance customer experience, especially the internal customers segment within institutions and ways to improve their experience and boost their satisfaction with the provided services.

In the third session, Eng. Youssef Al Sayegh, from a leading company specialized in robotics, spoke about using robots and automating processes within institutions, while creating a balance between outcomes and financial investment, whereas process automation and implementation of robotic mechanisms is the most coveted goal sought by world companies.

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