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Page last updated: April 19, 2021
On the sidelines of the 17th edition of Dubai International Humanitarian Aid and Development Conference and Exhibition DIHAD’, His Highness Lieutenant General Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior awarded international speakers who volunteered in the continuous education initiative, from the UAE to the world, Waterfalls , in appreciation to them for providing their expertise voluntarily and for the major role they played in the success of this unique initiative, which was launched in support of frontliners around the world, and to train them through high quality scientific lectures.

His Highness accompanied by Sheikh Zayed Bin Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan witnessed a video with highlights on the Waterfalls
The awarding included His Excellency Ambassador Andrea Matteo Fontana, Head of the EU Delegation to the UAE, Mr. Claus Sorensen, Senior Adviser on Resilience, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, Norwegian Refugee Council and Former Director-General, ECHO, Ms. Clare Dalton, ICRC Head of Mission in the UAE, His Excellency Gerhard Putman-Cramer, Director of DIHAD International Scientific Advisory Board DISAB’, His Excellency Sergio Piazzi, Secretary-General, Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, Mr. Muktar Farah, Head of United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) in the UAE, Dr. Manal Omran Taryam, CEO and Board Member of Noor Dubai Foundation, His Excellency Mr. Giuseppe Saba, CEO of International Humanitarian City, Dubai, Mr. Mario Stephan, Executive Director, Doctors Without Borders/M decins Sans Fronti res (MSF) UAE Regional Office, Dr. Dena Assaf, UN Resident Coordinator for the UAE, Mr. Khaled Khalifa, Senior Advisor and Representative to the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Dr. Fawzi Amin, Head of the International Federation of the Red Cross delegation (IFRC), and Red Crescent Societies in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Dr. Mukesh Kapila, Professor, Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute, University of Manchester, Mr. Abdel Mageed Yahia, United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Director, UAE office and Representative for the GCC Region, Mr. Amin Awad, Fellow, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA in the presence of Dr. Abdul Salam Al Madani Executive Chairman of DIHAD DISAB Goodwill Ambassador, Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean Chairman of INDEX Holding head of Dihad Delegations

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