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Page last updated: August 31, 2020
The system follows the signing of agreements with strategic partners, including Injazat Data Systems to link commercial buildings and facilities with the smart protection and control systems, and with Emirates Telecommunications Corporation (Etisalat) to connect private residential homes to alarm technologies through photoelectric smoke detectors.


When a maintenance alarm is received into the Hassantuk system it automatically passes the information on to the building owners dashboard and SMS (or their representative), the registered maintenance company for that type of event for your building and to our maintenance team. The maintenance company has to turn out and repair the issue within an agreed period of time. If not then the maintenance details, building owner information and maintenance company details are passed to the civil defence for direct action and fines. The building security or reception can silence the alarms but we still receive the notification and its dealt with effectively and efficiently

Hassantuk increases the efficiency of emergency services response to all fire and life safety alarms through a smart system that helps to shorten response times and increase response efficiencies to emergency events helping reduce danger to life and damage to property.
Through effective receiving fire alarm systems in the buildings, and ensuring operative periodic maintenance, Hassantuk enhances the effectiveness of these systems and protection of people and property.

Hassantuk is a smart city initiative protecting lives and properties across the UAE by connecting all Buildings Properties to Hassantuk Alarm Receiving center (ARC) via an Alarm transmission equipment (ATE) which is installed in each building. In case of a fire or life threating event, the ATE will immediately send the Alarm to Hassantuk. The ARC operators will verify the received alarm. Upon verification, the alarm is automatically reported to the emergency services within seconds providing them with situational intelligence and making their response more effective to keep our cities smarter and safer.
Upon verification, the alarm is automatically reported to the emergency services within seconds providing them with situational intelligence supporting their Gold, Silver, or Bronze levels of command making their response more effective and our cities smarter and safer.

Fire and life safety alarms from connected buildings are monitored 365 days a year along with all maintenance alarms generated from the buildings systems. Maintenance alarms are automatically routed to the building’s maintenance company ensuring that repairs are undertaken immediately enforcing the mission of safer buildings.
Using Smart Technology to respond efficiently to verified emergency alarms and maintenance events, Hassantuk supports the MOI vision for having the United Arab Emirates as one of the best countries in the world in achieving safety and security.
Flexibility is intrinsic to the Hassantuk programme. Capable of connecting millions of devices, it is fundamentally scalable. Additional building management systems, health monitoring alarms, aircraft alerts.


Hassantuk for Homes’, is an end-to-end wireless fire safety solution designed for ready villas in the UAE. Hassantuk optimizes response to fire and emergency alerts through a 24x7 connected fire alarm system. It harnesses the power and advantages of smart technology to transfer real-time data to a dedicated Civil Defense Command Control Center of the Ministry of Interior. The initiative is part of plans by the UAE government to enhance safety in residential villas across the country.

Hassantuk is a fire safety solution that monitors the homes within the UAE 24x7 for any fire related incident. 
The fire safety solution contains different types of sensors, which can detect smoke and heat. All the sensors are connected to the main alarm panel, which directly transmits the alarms in real time to Command Control Center for verification. In the Command Control Center the fire alarms are verified. In case the fire alarm is positive, it is immediately sent to relevant authorities within a maximum time of 120 seconds after receiving it, providing the authorities with situational intelligence and therefore making our cities safer. 
The main elements of the Fire Alarm System are the following:
Alarm panel: the primary element, installed in each home, that connects and sends fire alarms to relevant authorities. The home users can also activate the alarms manually from the panel.
Sensors: Heat Smoke sensors deployed in the different rooms of the home as per MoI guidelines. These sensors are connected with the alarm panel and detect any smoke or heat in the home, activating locally the alarm and sending it also to Command Center for verification.
Command Control Center will receive in real time any fire alarm originated at any home and will apply the protocol to verify the alarm in a maximum time of 120 seconds. If the alarm is positive will be automatically transmitted to the relevant authorities. This Center will also receive any maintenance alarm and will act proactively solving it.
Portal: through which the customer can register and pay for the service, update home/contacts/location details, and receive notifications.

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