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Training programs for the participants Female Leadership Program

Page last updated: August 31, 2020
The participants in the first Female Leadership Program at the Ministry of Interior (MoI) visited the UK (Scotland) under the supervision and organization of the Creativity and Leadership Development Center at the General Secretariat of the Office of H.H Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, and in cooperation with the Leadership and Management Institute in the UK.
The visit compliments the training program for female leadership launched in implementation of the directives of Lt. General HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior. It aims to introduce the best global practices of empowering women in the police work.
The program included theoretical lectures on security provided by experts who conveyed their experiences and expertise in the security realm to the program members. The experts covered topics such as challenges and threats that face the police work in Scotland.
The program included field visits to the National Museum of Scotland; Al Maktoum College in Dundee, Scotland; and the Scottish Police College. The visits aimed to introduce the members of the program to the best applied practices and methods in the fields of countering cybercrime, and exchanging and sharing experiences and knowledge.

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