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Page last updated: December 29, 2020
Questionnaire to participate in the developing the policy to use electronic services at the Ministry of the Interior
Gas cylinder locations approval request
Dear Brother/Sister, we highly appreciate your cooperation and participation in this survey. This survey is an attempt to apply the principle of public involvement in the strategy of developing the Ministry of Interiors’ services. The survey however is an attempt to bring to light your desires and ambitions regarding our services. Whereas the Ministry of Interior weighs and welcomes its customers sharing suggestions that would enhance our overall performance, as well as the quality of our services, we are so keen on providing extra services and several service delivery channels to highly valued public/customers. We honestly declare to you that, all data you provide will be treated with strict confidentiality and will be used for analysis purposes only.
Demographic data

Q 1. Gender

Q 2. Age

Q 3. Category

Q 4. Nationality

Q 5. Is easy to access information in this website

Q 6. Happiness about the used techniques

Q 7. It is easy to access this website using (Google; Yahoo and Bing) search engines

Q 8. Happiness from the MOI website

Q 9. Designs; images and graphics used in this website are attractive

Q 10. Awareness of the electronic / smart services provided

Q 11. Happiness about available communication channels

Q 12. The website is designed to served “People with Special Needs”

Q 13. Confidence in dealing with electronic / smart services

Q 14. Electronic services are provided in a logical sequence

Q 15. The temporary saving feature for electronic transactions, provide me with luxury of completing them anytime I wanted. This is useful to use feature

Q 16. The control and browse previously completed transactions and services fulfill my aspiration and requirements

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Number of hits : 483088
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