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Page last updated: December 29, 2020
Survey of participating in public awareness development plan for e-Smart Services
Survey of participating in public awareness development plan for e-Smart Services

Q 1. Service sector most frequently used ?

Q 2. gender

Q 3. Age group

Q 4. Educational level

Q 5. Client category

Q 6. Choose the city where the service was conducted

Q 7. Nationality

Q 8. Do you know that MOI has launched its mobile app?

Q 9. In case the answer is YES please answer the following: did you use the mobile app?

Q 10. In case the answer is YES please answer the following:Did you use the app on your phone (select one only)?

Q 11. Do you know that our services are available on the website (www.moi.gov.ae)?

Q 12. if answer is YES please answer the following: did you use any of our service on the website?

Q 13. Is the content of the awareness campaign saves time and effort to get the services needed from MOI?

Q 14. ARE THE design of the Advertisements relevant  to the required services?

Q 15. Have the Awareness campaign helped you to  conduct your E smart service?

Q 16. Social media platforms

Q 17. Media campaigns

Q 18. Media Channel

Q 19. Other

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