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Renewal of license for a contractor in the field of safety and gas systems maintenance and installation

Page last updated: December 31, 2020


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Renewal of license for a contractor in the field of safety and gas systems maintenance and installation

Service Description

Service Description
A service through which a contractor license for the maintenance and installation of safety and gas systems is renewed to carry out the installation and maintenance of the devices, equipment and materials of preventive safety and fire-fighting, along with their equipment and accessories in buildings and facilities by category classification and field of activity

Service Execution Steps

Website and Interactive Site
log into the website or the Ministry of Interior application - select service , attach documents and pay the fees
Smart Application
log into the website or the Ministry of Interior application - select service , attach documents and pay the fees
Registration Required
To apply for a service, please register through the MOI website or the smart APP

Service Requirements

Not Available
• Business or professional license from the competent authorities in the area of activity.• Certificate of registration with the Chamber of Commerce (enrollment).• Copy of the Articles of Association.• Valid passport of the license.• Submitting the required documents, provided that they are duly certified, to the competentauthority to match them with the photos.• A letter of commitment from the company stating that the work will be carried out as required.Service standards (Terms & Conditions):• To provide an inventory and list of the firm’s tasks executed internally and externally.• To dedicate permanent, headquarter for the constructor located in the franchise with thecommitment of notifying the responsible authority of any changes in the address thereof.• To provide a permanent workshop for the constructor located in the franchise accordingto the technical requirements identified by the High Command for the after-sale servicessystems according to the High Command requirements with the commitment of notifyingthe responsible authority of any changes in the address thereof.• To ensure that the technical staff is well-acquainted with the maintenance requirements ofthe systems to be licensed for installment and maintaining, as well as the other relevantinternational standards, along with proven preventive safety requirement.• To meet the minimum limit of the technical staff for each group according to the specifiedrequirements.• To make sure that the technical staff passes the competence test made by the High Command.• To provide a monthly report of the data of the locations of installments and maintenancewith a detailed outline to the competent administration.• To have a technician ID.
Government Sectors
Not Available

Service Fees Details

Federal Fees
1000 AED per activity
Local Fees
Not Available
Not Available
Payment Method
Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard) E-dirham

Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions
Not Available

Working hours to provide service

Happiness Service Centers
According to the service center working hours
Smart App

Frequently Asked Questions

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