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Page last updated: June 28, 2024
UAE Joins World Countries in Marking International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
  • Wednesday, June 26,2024

UAE Joins World Countries in Marking International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

The UAE, represented by the Ministry of Interior, joins countries worldwide in celebrating International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on June 26 each year. This annual event highlights global efforts to combat the societal scourge of drugs and the extensive risks they pose to security and safety. It serves as a vital platform to raise awareness about the dangers and devastating effects of drugs on health and societal security. Celebrating this day under the slogan My Family...My True Wealth, the Ministry of Interior underscores the UAE's commitment to combating drugs and raising awareness of their dangers and spread. Emphasizing the family’s role as the first line of defense for children, the Ministry, along with the General Police Command, implements various activities and awareness programs. These initiatives aim to enhance community awareness of the dangers of drug abuse and addiction and their negative impacts on security, economy, society, and health. The UAE has achieved significant milestones in combating the promotion, smuggling, and abuse of drugs and psychotropic substances through pioneering policies, procedures, and initiatives. By leveraging advanced technologies and applications, the UAE employs a distinguished and qualified national workforce capable of addressing all risks to societal security and safety. Furthermore, the UAE strengthens its global partnerships and enhances its position on the international competitive ladder by expanding cooperation with security and international institutions dedicated to combating drugs. This commitment aims to contribute to a safer world and drug-free societies.

National effors to step up combating drugs

Brigadier Saeed Abdullah Al Suwaidi, Director General of the Federal Drug Control Department at the Ministry of Interior, stressed the keenness to highlight the national efforts made and the pioneering Emirati experience in combating drugs and psychotropic substances, indicating the Ministry of Interior’s keenness to participate widely in the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, which represents an opportunity to emphasize the importance of participatory work and the role of everyone. In combating this societal scourge that poses a widespread threat to societies and to the health and safety of individuals. The Narcotics Control Council...a national umbrella for the efforts of federal and local ministries and agencies concerned with combating drugs He said that the UAE is one of the leading countries in the areas of combating drugs through the national strategic plan to combat this scourge in the country in the integrated work system of partners and concerned parties within the country’s Narcotics Control Council, the national umbrella that brings together the efforts of the ministries and federal and local agencies concerned with combating drugs, which launched pioneering initiatives, including a charter. National integration in combating drugs, which reflects the complementary institutional doctrine pursued by the UAE government in achieving the goals with the vision of the wise leadership, and through pioneering community awareness programs such as the Siraj National Drug Prevention Program, which follows preventive methods that are appropriate for the Emirati society in accordance with international standards and standards and through the development of new mechanisms. In a competitive environment as part of continuous efforts towards safer communities, the Ministry of the Interior also provides the Mukafih service through the toll-free number (80044), which enhances community communication through safe and private consultations and enhances the ability of parents to detect drug abuse and early cases of addiction in their surroundings. Family. Al-Suwaidi pointed to the tremendous and sincere efforts made by anti-narcotics agents in confronting gangs and drug dealers, arresting them and bringing them to justice. At the same time, he called on parents to educate their children about the dangers of drugs, pay attention to them and intensify supervision over them to protect them from bad friends, emptiness and curiosity, cybercriminals and strangers who might They lie in wait for them through social media sites and exploit them to promote drugs, stressing that the concerned authorities are employing all their capabilities to achieve the future vision of the country by reaching global leadership in combating drugs and arresting drug dealers in cooperation with the relevant government agencies and local and international community institutions to achieve the highest levels of security and safety and prevent toxins from reaching society. He said that the United Arab Emirates, through the vision of its wise leadership, has achieved great achievements in the areas of drug prevention through an integrated work system and proactive measures reinforced by the law and keenness and commitment to international charters, pledges and agreements through its good relations with all countries of the world to enhance cross-border cooperation and coordination for the sake of safer societies. . He added that the UAE attaches great importance to combating and confronting drugs and is making a great effort to eliminate this dangerous scourge in society through law enforcement forces and the provision of addiction care and rehabilitation centers and through laws and legislation that guarantee the rights of everyone and achieve the principle of prevention, as prevention, safety and security of society are among the core priorities of the UAE. The UAE and its vision, adding that work is also continuing to raise and enhance the skills and capabilities of the working cadres in a systematic manner in accordance with the highest international standards of training and qualification.

More arrests, safer community

He emphasized the Ministry of Interior's ongoing efforts to combat the scourge of drugs, highlighting its continued success in controlling smuggling and promotion. This success is achieved through a capable and qualified system, along with distinguished regional and international cooperation with counterpart agencies worldwide. In 2023, significant quantities of drugs were seized in international operations aimed at combating drug trafficking and drying up their sources. Additionally, more than (...) individuals were arrested in drug-related cases, with (...) quantity of narcotic substances confiscated. The number of websites blocked for their illegal activities in promoting prohibited substances reached (...).
He further explained that, as part of these efforts, authorities have adopted community awareness as an effective method to limit the spread of drugs and combat their impact. This is achieved by launching numerous initiatives, activities, various programs, and community events. Engaging with the public, monitoring challenges, and gathering ideas and proposals are integral to sustaining the process of modernization and development in the fight against drugs.

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