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Page last updated: July 17, 2024
MOI organizes an open health day for retirees, volunteers and staff members
  • Wednesday, July 17,2024

MOI organizes an open health day for retirees, volunteers and staff members

The Ministry of the Interior, through the General Directorate of Relations and Protocol, organized an open health day at its headquarters as part of the annual initiative "Your Health is Our Priority 2024." This event aligns with the national agenda and government directives to emphasize preventive care and reduce diseases related to unhealthy lifestyles, such as diabetes and obesity. 

 Held in collaboration with Burjeel Holding Group, the event aimed to provide healthcare and increase health awareness among Ministry employees, retirees, and volunteers. This open health day is part of a series of health programs that the Ministry regularly organizes to enhance health and safety standards, improve public health, and enable early disease detection through periodic examinations and health awareness campaigns. 

 The event promoted healthy lifestyles, focusing on proper nutrition, physical activity, bone health, dental health, digestive health, plastic surgery, obesity prevention, and chronic disease management. Services provided included blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol level measurements, vital and clinical examinations, eye, bone, and foot pressure tests, as well as initial dental exams, dermatological and cosmetic consultations, pharmaceutical services, health awareness sessions, early disease detection programs, and a fast health corridor for prospective retirees and associates.

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