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Page last updated: May 28, 2024
Dhahi Khalfan chairs the UAE Police Command Council
  • Monday, May 27,2024

Dhahi Khalfan chairs the UAE Police Command Council

The UAE Police Chiefs Council held its meeting, headed by His Excellency Lieutenant General Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, Deputy Police and Public Security in Dubai, Chairman of the Council, which was held remotely in the presence of police commanders, senior officers and officials of the Ministry of Interior. The Council discussed a number of important topics on its agenda and took special decisions regarding them.

The Council also discussed the issue of combating money laundering crimes, and the procedures followed by the state through the strategy developed by the Ministry of Interior to combat such a crime, whether at the state level or at the global level, noting His Excellency the President of the Council; The need to enhance the progress of the UAE’s achievements by continuing to develop the skills of cadres through training programs and specialized courses in these fields.

The Council reviewed the procedures followed in all comprehensive police stations affiliated with the police leadership in the country, and the most important specializations and tasks included in those centers. His Excellency Lieutenant General Dhahi Khalfan praised the quality of the comprehensive police stations and their role in simplifying procedures and providing services, calling for the importance of following up on the commitment to developing and modernizing these centers on an ongoing basis to keep pace with Rapid developments and technologies.

The Council discussed the proposal to create a smart application for the car towing service, which includes a database about companies operating in this field and the people who benefit from that service, and provides many features such as direct tracking of the movement of cars being towed.
The Council also discussed a number of other topics on its agenda, and the necessary decisions and recommendations were taken regarding them.

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