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Page last updated: June 02, 2022
Dubai Civil Defense delegation reviews benchmarking practices at MOI’s R&D Center
  • Thursday, June 02,2022

Dubai Civil Defense delegation reviews benchmarking practices at MOI’s R&D Center

The Research and Development Center at the Ministry of Interior received a delegation from Dubai Civil Defense, via video conference technology. 

The delegation was briefed on the best practices and regulations applied in the field of studies and benchmarking to achieve the highest standards of performance in security and safety, improve the work environment, learn about the experiences, know-how and systems  in which the center operates. 

The delegation also reviewed the rapid developments and models used to develop performance, and ways to provide services with the highest quality standards.

Officials at the Center provided the visiting delegation with a detailed explanation about the Center’s organizational structure, the stages the work in benchmarking has gone through, and the procedures put in place to deal with the requests of the various entities which require to identify the benchmarking systems through planning, application and measurement.

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