Under the summer campaign "Together for a Safe Summer," the Ministry of Interior's Child Protection Center hosted a virtual lecture titled "Parental Control and Positive Investment of the Child's Time.The Lecture was adminstrated by Captin Abdelrahman Al noaimi Head if the Awarness Section at the Centre and " Abeer Abdul Rahim Al Hammadi from the center led the session, which focused on several key areas. Initially, the lecture covered parental control strategies, including effective dialogue and persuasion techniques that foster the child’s personality development. It also emphasized monitoring the child’s activities both at home and online, using reasoned arguments to address the challenges and benefits of the digital world.
The second part of the lecture explored the positive investment of a child’s time. It included tips on proactive and purposeful planning for summer vacations and weekends. Suggestions included setting limits on screen time, encouraging participation in summer camps, enrolling children in sports and cultural clubs, and involving them in selecting recreational and tourist destinations. These activities aim to promote good behavior, critical thinking, and preparation for life by teaching laws, social rules, and moral values.
Finally, the lecture highlighted the Ministry of Interior Center's local and international efforts in child protection. It provided guidance on handling cases of assault, abuse, or neglect, and detailed the reporting mechanisms available through the center’s smart system, including the hotline at (116111), email, the center’s website, and the Hamayati app.