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Page last updated: September 19, 2023
Saif bin Zayed’s Review of Civil Defense Environmental Preparedness Program and UAE’s 8 International Fire Forecasting Certificates
  • Tuesday, September 19,2023

Saif bin Zayed’s Review of Civil Defense Environmental Preparedness Program and UAE’s 8 International Fire Forecasting Certificates

Lt. General HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, assessed the "Civil Defense Environmental Preparedness" program, aligning with the UAE's commitment to advancing environmental initiatives and technological developments under visionary leadership. In addition, His Highness examined eight international certificates, including one from the National Fire Protection Organization (NFPA), the world's leading civil defense body, and certificates from continental organizations worldwide.

These accolades affirmed the global leadership of the Ministry of Interior and the UAE Civil Defense in the realm of artificial intelligence for fire prediction and mitigation. During the visit to the Expo Fire Station's operations room, Sheikh Saif was briefed on an innovative electric firefighting mechanism, the Middle East's first and the world's second, renowned for its environmentally friendly design and smart technology conforming to international safety standards.

The minister was accompanied by Lt. General Rashid Thani Al Matroushi, Director General of the General Department of Civil Defense in Dubai, and Major General Jamal bin Adid Al Muhairi, Assistant Director General for Resources and Support Services Affairs, during this visit. Sheikh Saif encouraged the pursuit of excellence, underscoring the UAE's top-tier global competitiveness in security, prevention, and civil protection.

The Civil Defense Environmental Preparedness program serves as a unified global platform for fire incident data, engaging the world's largest firefighting organizations. This platform meticulously analyzes and categorizes fire incident data and carbon percentages by continent, providing this vital information to the respective global firefighting authorities.

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