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Page last updated: November 22, 2021
Conclusion of the  Regional Program on Community Based Policing to Combat Extremism
  • Monday, November 22,2021

Conclusion of the Regional Program on Community Based Policing to Combat Extremism

The Regional Program on Community Based Policing to Combat Extremism concluded its works today, Thursday, in Abu Dhabi, hosted by MOI in partnership with National Defense College in Washington – Strategic Studies Center for the Near East and South Asia.

The Program discussed the concept, role, duties and approaches of developing COP. The participants discussed the notion and philosophy of COP as an effective response to the challenge of Countering Violence Extremism (CVE) to contribute to strengthening the efforts of law enforcement forces in protecting society and preventing crime.

The Conference’s works, officially inaugurated on Monday by the Undersecretary of the MOI, Major General, Khalifa Hareb, was extended, and in the presence of international and domestic experts and academics specialized in COPS filed.

the participants discussed in paperwork, workshops and studies of some real cases, ways to enhance efforts of countering community crime, particularly, fields of extremism and role of COPS in this aspect.

On the second day, Professor Taher Abbas, Leiden University, the Netherlands, spoke about the idea of ​​combating extremism through religion, politics and security. The session was moderated by Dr. Melissa Jardine.

Then a case entitled Community Policing in Northern Ireland was discussed and reviewed, the structural and legal frameworks, and the session was moderated by Dr. Jennifer Jeffreys. Gary White, Former Police Officer, Northern Ireland Followed by the session 'Women, Police and Countering Violent Extremism' and presented by Jane Townsley, a retired UK police officer and former President of the International Women's Police Association and moderated by Dr. Hassan Abbas.

A special presentation was given by Hedayah Center in Abu Dhabi and its pioneering experience, where the attendees were briefed on the initiatives, programs and efforts offered by the Center in building partnerships with several institutions working in the field of combating extremism and reviewing work strategies based on important areas such as: sports and cultural diplomacy, Combating extremism through educational curricula and modern means

Speaking from Hedayah Center at this event were His Excellency Ahmed Al Qasimi, Executive Director of Hedayah, Deputy Executive Director Ivo Finkamp, ​​and Abeer Makki, Director of Executive Affairs.

On the evening of the closing day, Brigadier Dr. Jassim Muhammad Al-Antali, Academic Dean of the Abu Dhabi Police College, spoke about the UAE’s efforts in the areas of police work and its pioneering path, and a number of advanced practices and best applied methods at the Ministry of Interior, He talked also the role of community policing in order to Countering Extremism Capabilities.

Then a session discussed Lessons Learned, presented by Dr. Nadia Gers Pacher, assistant professor at the American University and author of Community Policing Capabilities for Countering Violent Extremism: Adopting Ethical Principles through Strengthening them with Training, and presenting them via video communication, then the participants ended the discussions in a closing session and certificates and shields were distributed on the participants.

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