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Page last updated: November 25, 2022
National Counseling Center reviews MOI’s best practices and national efforts in areas of human rights
  • Friday, November 25,2022

National Counseling Center reviews MOI’s best practices and national efforts in areas of human rights

A delegation from the National Counseling Center in Abu Dhabi was briefed on the best practices applied in the field of human rights at the Ministry of Interior. This came during an official visit made by the delegation in cooperation and coordination with the Research and Development Center in the Ministry. The visit comes as part of the benchmarking plan set by the Ministry of Interior with the aim of stepping up efforts, enhancing cooperation and exchanging experiences and expertise in various topics and aspects of common interest with the concerned authorities.

The visiting delegation listened to a detailed explanation by the Ministry's Human Rights Department about the strategic plans, programs and initiatives that the Ministry is working to put in place according to an integrated work mechanism and performance indicators that enhance efforts in areas related to the protection of human rights.  The work plan was reviewed, and the main elements of the tasks of the department and its committees and sections were reviewed.

Aspects of cooperation and coordination and the mechanism of work with international organizations concerned with human rights were also discussed, highlighting the efforts of the Ministry and its effective role in dealing with complaints and communications in a professional manner that ensures the achievement of a rapid response to address the event, preparing reports and following up on their implementation in accordance with the necessary legislation, laws and procedures, and making publications to raise awareness on human rights and other works and contributions that confirm the Ministry's keenness on adopting and prioritizing this topic. 

At the end of the visit, the two sides exchanged commemorative shields and souvenirs.

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