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Page last updated: December 06, 2023
Civil Defense Chief meets Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency on the sidelines of COP28
  • Wednesday, December 06,2023

Civil Defense Chief meets Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency on the sidelines of COP28

Major General Dr. Jassim Mohamed Al Marzouqi, Commander-in-Chief of Civil Defense at the Ministry of Interior, recently convened with HE Dean Cresswell, Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the US, during Expo Dubai on the sidelines of COP28, hosted by the UAE.
This meeting aligns with the objectives of COP 28, focusing on the safety of lives and property within the General Command of Civil Defense. Discussions included the review of strategic goals, performance indicators, quality of life, and the collaborative efforts of civil defense agencies to mitigate carbon emissions resulting from fires. Global practices implemented by the General Command of Civil Defense, aimed at reducing fire emissions and enhancing efficiency in firefighting and emergency response operations, were deliberated.
The role of community awareness and preventive safety in bolstering security and safety was emphasized, along with the presentation of best technical practices for developing and applying exercises and scenarios. The meeting further addressed strategies for minimizing environmental risks, developing emergency procedures manuals for tunnel and infrastructure fires, and refining training and evaluation processes.

In attendance were Brigadier General Muhammad Abdullah Al-Takawi, Brigadier General Salem Al-Naqbi, and Colonel Dr. Khalifa Al-Dali from the General Command of Civil Defense. On the American side, Jeffrey Reams, Director of Continuity Support Affairs, and Spencer Shargorodsky participated.
The meeting also included Special Adviser Dayra Carvajal Taborda, International Relations Specialist Cynthia Spychak, Associate Director of the Office of Policy and Program Analysis Jacqueline Rothenberg, Rebecca Peters, Regional Attach from the US Department of Homeland Security, US Mission in Abu Dhabi, and Majdi Haddad, Senior Investigator and Affairs Specialist for the US Department of Homeland Security Office in Abu Dhab

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