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Page last updated: January 03, 2021
Civil Defense well prepared for New Year across UAE
  • Wednesday, December 30,2020

Civil Defense well prepared for New Year across UAE

The Civil Defense General HQs confirmed its readiness across its regional departments and centers all over the UAE for the New Year 2021. The Civil Defense stepped up preparedness based on the Ministry of Interior's strategy aimed at putting in place best practices to protect lives, property and national achievements.

The Civil Defense Commander-in-Chief highlighted the Civil Defense’s commitment to provide protection and public safety for citizens, residents and visitors throughout the year, especially during holidays and public and national events.

Major General Dr. Al Marzooqi said that the Civil Defense Departments across the country are coordinating national efforts with the authorities in the government and private sectors to confront the COVID-19 pandemic, minimize the risks it poses to humans, property and activities, enforce social distancing rules and avoid crowding and mingling, by taking all precautions and preventive measures and spread awareness among members of the community.

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