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Page last updated: September 15, 2018
MoI Enables Customers to Apply for International Driving License via its app UAE MoI
  • Saturday, September 15,2018

MoI Enables Customers to Apply for International Driving License via its app UAE MoI

The Ministry of Interior (MoI) has rolled out a new service into its bundle of smart services that enables both citizens and residents in the UAE to apply for an International Driving License ( IDL). The new service is part of the Ministry’s ongoing efforts to improve and expand the already wide array of services offered through its website and smart phone applications. It is also aligned with the UAE e-Government initiative to make government services available to people wherever they are 24/7; and with the UAE Vision 2021, which aims to place the UAE among the best countries in the world in terms of economic and social development, and to achieve a sustainable high quality of life for UAE citizens and residents built on world-class public infrastructure and government services.

An International Driving License (IDL) is required by law in several countries around the world that are contracting parties to one of more UN Conventions on Road Traffic, (the 1949 Geneva Convention and the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic), allowing a driver license holder of one country to legally drive in another country. To be effective, the IDL held by citizens and residents must be accompanied by a valid local driving license issued in the United Arab Emirates.

The Automobile and Touring Club of United Arab Emirates (ATCUAE) is the exclusive official entity in charge of issuing International Driving Licenses in the UAE since its inception in 1965. ATCUAE is the sole issuer of this official document by a decision of the Ministry of State for Cabinet Affairs in 2007. The Automobile and Touring Club of United Arab Emirates (ATCUAE) enjoys a wide distribution network that allows the issuance of international driving licenses across offices and many government and private entities.

The Automobile and Touring Club of United Arab Emirates (ATCUAE) launched the online purchase of IDL in 2017; however, integration with the UAE MoI app has enhanced consumer journey to new levels of comfort and convenience. 

Brigadier Eng. Hussein Ahmed Al Harithi, Director General of E -Services and Telecommunications at the Ministry of Interior, said: Issuance of international driving licenses is provided through the Ministry of Interior's smart services system e-channels across the UAE. The service is also provided by law across service outlets available at all Traffic and Licensing Departments in the UAE, as applicable.

He also noted that this step is in line the government’s directives and its strategy to promote partnership between government institutions and their partners across all sectors and streamline the provision of community services that ensure customers’ comfort and happiness. This new service is part of the smart services provided by the MoI with its partners and is aligned with the government plan to develop smart services, according to the UAE 2021 vision’s goals, he continued.

Mr. Mohammed Ben Sulayem, President of the Automobile Touring Club of the UAE, FIA Vice-President for Sport, said: The MoI offers true protection and streamlined support to the UAE community. By allowing the issuance of International Driving Licenses through its online application, it proves its unwavering commitment to ensure that travelers legally drive abroad. Ensuring protection and convenience to road users is the key reason behind the integration of our services."

Applying for an IDL is very easy and once issued, it remains valid for one year. It is an official document that is issued to individuals travelling to foreign countries and provides legal proof for traffic authorities that drivers possess a valid driver's license in their country of residence. It will also help protect you and your family if the vehicle sustains damages in an accident abroad and is mandatory in the provisions of the required legal insurance policy. It may also be used as proof of identity, should your passport be lost or stolen while traveling abroad. 

The International Driving License is recognized all over the world and is available in 10 different languages to help overcome language barriers.

Colonel Faisal Mohammed Al-Shammari, Director of Corporate Governance and Member of the Council of the Ministry of Interior for Intelligent Services and Artificial Intelligence, said that this development comes as part of the efforts to enhance the smart and innovative services provided by the ministry in its plans to automate smart services and create more of them. Indicators of happiness for customers and reduce the carbon footprint and the time it takes to transport them during the service request.

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