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Electronic Decisions

Page last updated: November 25, 2021
Share your opinion about how to raise safety and security awareness among nationals and residents
  • Thursday, April 01,2021 - Thursday, April 29,2021

Share your opinion about how to raise safety and security awareness among nationals and residents

Consultation Subject

MoI invites the public to share their opinion about how to enhance safety for senior nationals and residents, and introduce them to the main prerequisites to prevent fires, evacuation, and steps to ensure their safety.

The objective of consultation:

MoI aims through this consultation to raise awareness among senior nationals and residents, as well as caregivers about the best way to deal with a fire, and sensitize them about safety issues in their homes, on roads and in public places. It also helps them to prevent these threats and protect themselves from them.

Expected decisions as a result of consultation:

Rolling out programs aimed at raising the awareness of senior citizens and residents about the importance of implementing prevention and safety requirements and training the domestic helpers on the procedures carried out with the elderly when fire breaks out to avoid injuries and deaths.

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