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Share with us your opinion on Innovative Approaches to Combat Drug Spread

Page last updated: December 20, 2024
  • Friday, December 20,2024

Consultation Subject:

The Ministry of Interior invites the public to share their views on innovative methods and modern procedures designed to enhance efforts against the spread of drugs.

Consultation Objective:

The Ministry of Interior seeks to gather opinions and suggestions on the incentive system for drug combat, aiming to stimulate creativity and encourage the development of new working methods and mechanisms within a competitive environment for the advancement of safer societies.

Expected decisions as a result of consultation:

The initiation of a national strategic program focused on empowering institutions and community members, building their capacities, and equipping them with skills to effectively combat narcotic and psychotropic substances through a scientific and integrated approach.

Open Date: October 06, 2024
Closed Date: October 31, 2024


First: Activation of the National Strategic Plan for Combating Drugs (2024-2026): This plan includes 51 performance indicators aimed at evaluating the outcomes of initiatives designed to strengthen the state's comprehensive efforts against drugs. These indicators will help assess progress across ministries and local and federal authorities in combating drug use.

Second: Launch of the National Integration Charter for Combating Drugs: This charter embodies the integrated approach adopted by the UAE government to achieve the goals set by the leadership. It includes community awareness programs like the Siraj National Program for Drug Prevention, which uses preventative methods tailored to Emirati society based on international standards. The Ministry of Interior also offers the "Mukafih" service, a toll-free helpline (80044) that allows for confidential consultations, helping parents identify early signs of drug abuse and addiction in their families.

Third: Participation in Global Celebrations and Events to Combat Drugs: The Ministry of Interior participates in global initiatives aimed at raising awareness of the dangers of drug abuse and the global efforts to combat it. These events focus on the critical role of the family as the first line of defense for children. The Ministry, in cooperation with the police, conducts educational campaigns to inform the community about the wide-ranging negative effects of drug abuse on social, economic, health, and security levels.

Fourth: Hosting the "Preparing the GCC Strategy for Combating Drugs (2025-2028)" Workshop: This workshop took place from September 16-19 in Abu Dhabi, organized by the GCC in collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. It involved various key sectors working together to create a unified regional strategy to combat drugs. The workshop gathered participants from ministries of interior, justice, health, education, social affairs, and media, as well as representatives from customs, ports, and law enforcement. The aim was to develop a GCC-wide legislative framework based on best practices, aligned with United Nations standards. Additionally, the workshop sought to explore new avenues for enhancing global efforts against drugs, including the development of more effective drug prevention strategies, understanding drug market trends, and sharing scientific knowledge.

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