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Share your opinion about traffic safety for motorcycle users

Page last updated: January 03, 2024
  • Wednesday, January 03,2024

Consultation Subject:

The MoI invites the honorable public to share opinions about traffic safety awareness for motorcycle users.

The objective of consultation:

Through this advice, the MoI aims to monitor all opinions and proposals on enhancing traffic awareness in this category, through the need to adhere to and follow the necessary instructions and guidelines for traffic safety on  the roads to ensure safety and security for its users.

Expected decisions as a result of consultation:

Launching awareness messages and campaigns targeting motorcycle users, to ensure their safety on the roads, and urging them to adhere to traffic laws and instructions, and to respect the road and its users.

Open Date: February 15, 2023
Closed Date: March 17, 2023


After thorough examination and analysis of public opinions and suggestions, the Ministry has undertaken the launch of a traffic campaign titled "Safe Riding for Bicycle Users." The primary objective is to bolster traffic awareness among bicycle users, underscoring the imperative of adhering to instructions and following traffic safety guidelines to safeguard lives and property. 

This initiative aligns with the Ministry's ongoing commitment to cultivating awareness and a responsible traffic culture among motorbike, electric, and bicycle riders, with the ultimate goal of minimizing wrongful behaviors, ensuring road users' rights, and fostering the highest safety standards. 

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