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Share your opinion about raising awareness of the safety culture and civil prevention for school students

Page last updated: January 15, 2024
  • Monday, January 15,2024

Consultation Subject:

The Ministry of Interior send this invitation to the esteemed public to express their opinions regarding the promotion of safety culture and civil prevention among school students.

The objective of consultation:

Through this consultation, the Ministry of the Interior aims to gather valuable opinions and proposals concerning the enhancement of public awareness regarding safety measures. The objective is to foster a preventive culture within educational institutions, instilling a sense of prevention among administrators, teaching staff, and students. Furthermore, the advice aims to emphasize the importance of adhering to the public safety requirements set by the Civil Defense, ensuring their safety and protection from fire risks.

Expected decisions as a result of consultation:

Implementation of a series of awareness messages tailored for school students across various educational levels. These messages will be disseminated through social media platforms, acquainting students with the necessary procedures and preventive measures that should be followed. The intention is to cultivate a safety-conscious generation that is fully aware of the risks surrounding them and fosters positive attitudes towards adhering to preventive rules. This will extend to their behavior at home, school, and on the road, enhancing their ability to respond appropriately during emergencies.

Open Date: August 01, 2023
Closed Date: August 31, 2023


Through a comprehensive study and analysis of public opinions and suggestions, the Ministry has rolled out the "Our Students, Our Future" awareness campaign. This campaign is dedicated to promoting safe summer activities and preparing for the commencement of the academic year. It focuses on essential requirements, preventive advice, and positive behaviors crucial for reinforcing safety and prevention across activities undertaken by students and youth in Emirati society.

The awareness campaign amplifies the Ministry of Interior's endeavors to disseminate preventive concepts and foster community awareness regarding civil protection, a safety culture, values of responsibility, and a commitment to safety and prevention requirements among young people.

The campaign employs a diverse range of activities, encompassing lectures and continuous awareness campaigns through social media. It reaches out to young individuals in centers and camps, communicating messages through various media outlets to attain the highest levels of safety, civil protection, and the preservation of lives and property. Topics covered include safety protocols on buses and within school environments, understanding the use of different fire extinguishers, and general topics related to safety and prevention concepts.

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