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Page last updated: September 25, 2024
MOI and UNODC Launch Advanced Criminal Investigation Training on Combating Human Trafficking
  • Wednesday, September 25,2024

MOI and UNODC Launch Advanced Criminal Investigation Training on Combating Human Trafficking

The Ministry of Interior, in collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), has launched a specialized training course titled "Advanced Criminal Investigation in Combating Human Trafficking Crimes." This course, organized by the Ministry’s Human Rights Department and the Anti-Human Trafficking Crimes Committee, is being held at the Federal Police School in Sharjah from September 23 to 27.
The initiative underscores the Ministry’s commitment to fulfilling international and regional obligations in combating human trafficking and protecting victims, while strengthening international coordination and cooperation, particularly in enhancing the capacities of law enforcement personnel.
The course was officially inaugurated by His Excellency Brigadier Ali Abdullah Al-Mutairi, Acting Director of the Federal Police School in Sharjah. A select group of specialists from various departments within the Ministry are participating. Throughout the course, a panel of experts and specialists will discuss key challenges in investigating human trafficking cases and protecting victims. Topics will focus on overcoming obstacles in criminal investigations, enhancing police work, and refining techniques for gathering evidence in human trafficking crimes.
This training is part of the broader partnership between the Ministry of Interior and UNODC, aimed at enhancing the skills and capacities of human resources in the field. In his opening remarks, Brigadier Al-Mutairi highlighted the course's value in broadening the investigative horizons for officers tasked with handling human trafficking cases. He emphasized that addressing the current challenges in human trafficking investigations and finding effective solutions would significantly strengthen the investigative process and victim protection efforts.
Al-Mutairi also reaffirmed the UAE’s commitment to eradicating human trafficking within a framework that upholds human rights and respects international conventions. He noted that the UAE has made significant strides in developing a dynamic, national system to combat human trafficking, demonstrated by its ratification of several key international agreements, including the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.

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