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Page last updated: November 30, 2022
As part of the “Farajat” initiative, Dubai Islamic Bank provides an amount of (4,350,000) four million, three hundred and fifty thousand dirhams in support of the Faraj Fund
  • Wednesday, November 30,2022

As part of the “Farajat” initiative, Dubai Islamic Bank provides an amount of (4,350,000) four million, three hundred and fifty thousand dirhams in support of the Faraj Fund

Dubai Islamic Bank made a charitable and humanitarian contribution through its donation to the Faraj Fund of the Ministry of Interior in the amount of (4,350,000) four million, three hundred and fifty thousand dirhams as part of the Furajat initiative, which contributed to the release of (35) inmates and convicts who were financially insolvent in penal and correctional institutions at the state level This coincides with the UAE's celebrations of the fifty-first Union Day.

His Excellency Khalil Dawood Badran, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Faraj Fund of the Ministry of the Interior, affirmed that efforts are continuing within the UAE’s march of giving and benevolence through continuous initiatives, which confirm the solidarity of the Emirati society and its national institutions, and their keenness to see its wise leadership.

In a statement, Dubai Islamic Bank affirmed its keenness on the institution's societal role and partnership with all national institutions in order to enhance the quality of life for the Emirati community, and to do the duty to sponsor and support the efforts of giving and the UAE's charitable march and provide assistance to the needy. He pointed to the continuation of the strategic partnership with the Faraj Fund of the Ministry of Interior through joint initiatives that enhance community solidarity work, especially with regard to supporting inmates of penal and correctional institutions in the country, and efforts to rehabilitate them and return them to society as good and productive individuals.

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