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Electronic Decisions

Page last updated: November 25, 2021
Share your opinion with us on the features you would like to find in your user profile in the website
  • Sunday, January 01,2017 - Monday, July 31,2017

Share your opinion with us on the features you would like to find in your user profile in the website

Out of the ministry's keenness to involve its customers in the development and improvement process of its website and services, And in addition to the rapid e-governments evolution and the expanding social media channels; It is now so easy to communicate with people, thus we are happy to announce our Opinions page over our website to grant our users and community the right to share their opinions and suggestions with us to make sure we are taking the right decisions.

In January 2017, the Ministry has launched the subject of  "Share your opinion with us on the features and characteristics you are looking forward to find in your electronic services user profile on the website of the Ministry of the Interior", in the context of launching the new version of the site, on which the development of the user information dashboard which contains all user related data and services, In addition, Services has been improved and many benefits were added, It was launched in November 2017.

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